Groceries on $70 a week
So things in my life have been very busy, in the best sense. This year my partner and I have become engaged and within months of that we...

3 Easy Ways to Supercharge Your Diet - without having to make any life-altering changes.
1. Pimp your oats If you enjoy your porridge then all you have to do is it keep on adding to it. It’s fine to add some honey to it but...

Is your ‘healthy diet’ making you unhealthy?
You choose the bread with the chia seeds, you eat a high fibre cereal in the morning. You love your yogurt and you have plenty of juice....

Is it Coeliac Disease or Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity?
Coeliac disease and Non Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) are two terms that you hear a lot, but do you know the differences? Not many...

DITCH THE 3PM SLUMP 3 Simple Steps to feeling more energised in the afternoon.
Eat more protein You probably hear this all the time, but increasing your protein really does wonders to your energy levels and your...

You’ve heard myself and every other person talking about probiotics and the benefits that they have in regards to gut health. You may...

Beat that head cold with your gut bacteria
It’s that time of year, runny noses and head colds are the norm and you are doing your very best to avoid getting sick. You’re eating...

How inflammation may be impacting your waistline
Eating all the right foods, exercising and still not loosing weight is a picture that I see all to commonly amongst many clients. And it...

Healthy donuts your body will love
Yep, thats correct. I have developed the best healthy donut recipe going around and I am going to share it with you! This donut recipe...

Choc-Wholefoods Slice
A friend shared this recipe with me and it's absolutely amazing! I altered it slightly as I used what I had in the pantry but it is oh so...