Coffee: Medicinal or Recreational?
Do you NEED your coffee or do you WANT it? Or Both? Have you ever taken the time to notice how coffee effects you? Coffee effects...

Your guide to the perfect Smoothie & why I have a slight obsession with them...
Smoothies, a health nerds favourite breakfast/snack/post workout food. But why? What is so fantastic about liquifying fruits and...

DIY Fruit and Vegetable Wash: Protecting Yourself from Herbicides
DIY Fruit and Vegetable wash: Protecting yourself from herbicides Yesterday I read an article which really made me sad. Not sad because...

7 reasons why I can’t get enough of coconut oil
1. The cheapest moisturiser you will ever buy! I’m all for natural skin care, and all for saving my pennies. Coconut oil will cost you...

Don't have time for breakfast in the morning? I don't buy it....
Now considering that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day this concept of not having time has always eluded me. People hardly ever...

Heart burn got you down?
Red wine and rich food can be culprits, but if you suffer from heartburn or reflex on a regular basis then there may be something bigger...