Coffee: Medicinal or Recreational?
Do you NEED your coffee or do you WANT it? Or Both?
Have you ever taken the time to notice how coffee effects you?
Coffee effects everybody differently. And it can effect people differently on different days, depending whats going on with their body, as well as their mind.
Have you ever had a coffee when you were feeling anxious and it sent your anxiety levels sky high? Caffeine from coffee blocks a chemical called adenosine which is responsible for having a depressant action in our body. When adenosine is blocked the result is a sharper mind and we feel more focused. In people that are prone to anxiety, or if we have to much caffeine symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, sweats and palpitations can be the result.
If you are relying on coffee for energy the best thing you can do for your energy levels (not to mention stress and anxiety levels) is to reduce your coffee intake.
While this does seem slightly counter intuitive, it all comes back to your adrenal glands and how the coffee that you are having is influencing their function. Your adrenal glands are responsible for producing adrenalin and cortisol (both 'stress' hormones which are responsible for that false energy). During times of stress our adrenal glands are stimulated, to help us adapt to the stress and provide us with some resilience to get through it. Which is great! Our bodies are designed to do this!
But coffee also stimulates our adrenal glands. This is why we we get energy after having a coffee.
The reason for the crash is because our adrenal glands start to get tired, especially if you're having 4-5 coffees a day. They are constantly being stimulated and pushed that they start to become tired and less sensitive. Your stress hormones become irregular and thats when severe fatigue can start to set in.
I find that there is a big difference between having a coffee at work to give you that boost you need and having a casual coffee with friends over breakfast on the weekends. When you are stressed and at work having the kick of coffee can be detrimental to your mental state as well as your energy levels. Having a coffee in the right environment doesn't appear to have as big of a physiological or psychological effect.
Keep in mind it all comes down to the individual. Begin to take notice of how your morning coffee effects you. Or how your body responds if you have a 2nd or 3rd coffee. Take note and change your behaviour around coffee accordingly. Believe me you will notice the difference.

Need to replace your coffee with something?
Green tea is a great replacement, it still has some caffeine so you can make an easy transition (especially if you are having lots of coffee each day).
Dandelion Lattes (made with roasted dandelion root) is a great substitute if you love the bitterness of coffee.
Chai lattes are a great one if coffee is a social habit. If you all take in turns shouting the coffees at work swapping to a chai latte rather than coffee is an easy transition, plus they are yum!
Karah is available for consultations in Ocean Grove, Geelong and Melbourne. You can keep up to date on everything health by liking her facebook page , following her on instagram @belyhealth , or visiting her website
Peninsula Family Medical Practice, Ocean Grove. Ph 03 52562001
Aura Health & Beauty, Geelong. Ph 03 52433966
A Peace of Health Clinic, Melbourne CBD. Ph 0396633665