Don't have time for breakfast in the morning? I don't buy it....

Now considering that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day this concept of not having time has always eluded me. People hardly ever say that they dont have time to get there mid morning coffee, but I am always hearing that people dont have time for breakfast. If you can make time for coffee you can make time for breakfast.
Make breakfast the night before.
This is the easiest way to beat the clock when it comes to having breakfast in the morning. Making up some quick and easy breakfasts the night before is a simple way to have a great breakfast the next day. over night oats and things like chia puddings are great for doing this with. If you want to take this ease of breakfast for the next level make up my breakfast trifle at the start of the week, keep in the fridge and then enjoy for the whole week. One night of preparation will yield an entire week of breakfasts….still no time? Then read on :)
Eat breakfast at work.
If you are able to eat breakfast at work then pop some natural muesli and some natural yogurt in the staff kitchen and you are set. While I don’t normally recommend people eat while your busy, if your life is so hectic that you cant even fit in breakfast then snacking on some breakfast while you’re easing into your work day by reading emails or the like is fine. Think of it as an investment for the day ahead. The more fuel you provide for your body your mind will be sharper, concentration improved and general productivity will be increased.
Eat breakfast on your way to work.
Do you commute? Well why not make it productive and have your breakfast while you travel. Im not talking about taking a plate of bacon and eggs on the train, but how about taking a smoothie or bircher muesli in a small container and enjoying that? Sound like something you could try?
Get up earlier
Pretty simple. Setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier is all you need to make time to have breakfast. Will power to get up 10 minutes earlier is other thing that you will need. :)
The best way to battle the ‘I don't have time to eat breakfast excuse’ is to combine a few of these pointers. For example make your breakfast the night before and wake up 10 minutes earlier, you have just created so much to have time and breakfast!
Karah is available for consultations in Ocean Grove, Geelong and Melbourne. You can keep up to date on everything health by liking her facebook page , following her on instagram @belyhealth , or visiting her website
Peninsula Family Medical Practice, Ocean Grove. Ph 03 52562001
Aura Health & Beauty, Geelong. Ph 03 52433966
A Peace of Health Clinic, Melbourne CBD. Ph 0396633665