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Routines and streamlining your life

Over the last month I have been cultivating and practicing new routines. I have started a new skin care routine (thanks to my girls at Aura health and Beauty), a new supplement routine and a new exercise routine.

These have been things that I have been meaning to do for a while and have never gotten around to implementing them.

Previously I have never really had much of a morning routine. My days are all very different and so I would just go with the flow, which had been working fine but I felt that things could be running smoother.

My skin care routine is something I have been wanting to change for a while. I was using a combination of various products, all from different brands, and while I was quite good with cleaning, moisturising etc, there was never any structure. I have just started using the skin care range that is stocked at Aura health and beauty in Belmont (Geelong peeps, if you haven't been into get yourself beautified then make the trip, the girls are amazing at what they do!). The Synergy skin care range has been so gentle but effective in balancing skin tone, reducing redness and balancing skin hydration that it has been the perfect addition to what I put into my body for my skin. Aside from my skin feeling amazing, I have been loving having a set routine of what to do morning and night; so much so, it has become quite ritualistic and calming. It is one less decision that I have to make each day.

In terms of supplements I am not one to take duly supplements. I am fortunate enough not to need them, as well as knowing the signs of when I do need them and then just taking them to correct any imbalances.

Over the last couple of months my energy has taken a hit, as well as my sleep and ability to dal with stress. So, like many of my clients I see, I have started to take some adrenal support in the form of nutrients and herbs. Again it is ritualistic and becoming second nature to pop all of my pills in the morning and I have been feeling amazing. Despite the fact that I prescribe these types of supplements daily it is always a nice reminder of how powerful they can be she used correctly. In the mean time I am making changes to manage my work/life balance and cutting back on any excess coffee intake, as these will be things that have been contributing to my fatigue.

I have always exercised on a regular basis but I have put in place a training regime in the last month or so and loving the fact that everything is set out ready to go, when I wake up I know that at some point during that day that i need to complete the workout. It sounds pretty simple, and to be honest its not all that different to what I normally do, but again it comes down to the decision making. It isn't an option as to whether I exercise or not, its a question of how am I going to fit this into my day.

I have also streamlined other aspects of my day, in terms of having the same breakfast daily, reducing back my consulting days and putting more systems in place within my business. This takes th decision making out of my day, allowing me to put my energy towards more important aspects of my life and business.

While this blog post has been quite autobiographical, I hope that it resinates with some of you. If you've been meaning to sort a certain aspect of your life out then don’t put it off any longer. And if your pretty happy with how things are going have a look t what you can improve on, as there is always room for improvement.

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