How to increase your fermented food intake

So, you have heard about fermented foods but never really got into them? Well this is the step by step guide for making you into a fermented foods fan, and fast!
Fermented foods are foods which have been cultured to naturally produce beneficial bacteria. Rather than relying on probiotic supplements, increasing these foods through your diet will help to support your probiotic levels with your gut.
Step 1. Buy, or make your own
Whatever you decide to do, get your hands on some form of fermented food. Now it can be anything from Sauerkraut and Kimchi, to kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh. Whatever you fee like, just make sure you have access to it is the first step. If you are buying, great, grab a good quality product and start tasting. If you are making get your recipe out and start, keeping in mind that fermented foods do take a while to ferment so allow a good week at the very least!
You don’t have to try all of these foods at once, nor do you have to just stick to one of them. The important thing is that you enjoy it.
Where to buy them from? Fermented foods are gaining popularity and becoming more mainstream, so stye availability of them is growing rapidly. If you go into an independent grocer, a green grocer or a health food shop I can almost guarantee you will find some fermented foods sitting on the shelf or in the fridge.
Step 2. Find a way to easily include it in foods that you enjoy regularly
This is the fun bit! Start experimenting. If you are using sauerkraut or kimchi, then start including it in salads, with your eggs in the morning, on burgers, tacos, sandwiches, or eve just as a ice to your evening meal.
if you have gone the liquid versos in terms of kombucha or kefir you can easily enjoy them on their own, or mix them through a smoothie. These are probably the easiest types of fermented foods to consume as they taste great as they are.
And how much to consume I hear you say?
A serve equals:
Sauerkraut/kimchi: 1 tbs
Kombucha: 100ml
Kefir: 30ml
Miso: 1 tbsp
Tempeh: 100g
Step 3. Make step 2 into a life long habit
Once you have played around with the different fermented food and have found some that you love then start incorporating it into your everyday lifestyle and diet. Consistency is the key to reaping the rewards of these amazing foods. If you can get a serve of fermented foods into your diet daily then you're doing a great job! You can look forward to better digestion, immune function and glowing skin…and once you start you will never go back