As much as we love nuts, some kids don't. Not even a little bit. So as hard as it can be sometimes, I appreciate why some schools choose to ban nuts from kids lunch boxes. But just becasue a lot of the healthy options contain nuts it doesnt mean that the kids have to go without. There are plenty of ways we can SUPERCHARGE the kids lunches without adding nuts
1. Swap nuts for seed alternatives
Seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and linseeds have similar nutritional content as well as similar consistency for baking with. Seeds are packed with protein, good fats, fibre and vitamins and minerals which make them the perfect alternative.
Ways to use seeds for nuts:
Swap nut butters like peanut butter for seed butters, you can make (or buy) pumpkin seed spreads which are a similar constancy, making them great for using as a spread or to put on raw veggie sticks.
Include in protein bliss balls instead of nuts. Its the easiest swap and the kids wont be able to taste the difference.

2. Bring in the dips
Now who doesn't love a dip? Dips are a great way to provide nutrition in a way that kids love. Choose a dip that your kids like and add to it, or make it yourself DIY style and sneak lots of different things like zucchini into hummus (This recipe is yum! ).

3. Hide linseed meal in everything.
Linseed meal is quite simple linseeds (AKA Flaxseeds….yep they are the same thing) ground up into a powder. It is packed with fibre and good fats, great for digestion and brain development respectively, as well as being a source of protein.
Now when I say everything I don't mean literally everything, but if you think you can sneak it in then do it! Been baking? Chuck a teaspoon of linseed meal in the mix and the kids won’t be able to tell. spindle over dips, sauces or yogurt and mix through. If you put the tinniest bit in a few different things throughout the day they will be getting a really good source of fibre, as well as some protein and omega 3 fats.
If your child is open to lots of different foods then lucky you! If not then doing the best you can to get as much variety into the lunch box as possible.
Ive included some of links to my favourite lunch box friendly recipes as well as a list of ideas for small snacks that will deliver a power punch of nutrition for your kids….plus taste pretty yummy also :)
Nut free nutella:
Veggie sticks, roast veggies
Meat and veggie patties
Tins of tuna (can be the flavoured ones)
Bliss balls (nut free):
crispy seed crackers: