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3 ways to spruce up your water this summer

Tomorrow is the first day of summer. And while the weather is great, the silly season is a upon us and all of our cares can just melt away (literally when we get shouted a couple of 40+ degree days in a row), we need to be more mindful that ever about our water intake!

If you’re not someone that is keen on drinking copious amounts of water each day and finds it just to hard to get it in, then i’ve got some tips for you!

Iced tea

I’m not talking the packaged ones that are packed with just as much sugar as a soft drink. brewing up lots of your favourite herbal tea and cooling it in the fridge overnight will make you plenty of naturally flavoured water which is naturally sugar free and packed with health benefits! Green tea, peppermint, ginger and liquorice are some of my favourites.

Infused water

This couldn't be easier. Filling your drink bottle up of a morning and adding some of the following foods will give your water the flavour that it needs to no longer be boring. Plus we can add some nutritional benefit to your water this way as well.

Fresh mint






Image source: Blissfully Domestic

Ice-block central

This one does take a bit more preparation, but it can be worth it!

Making your own water based icey poles to pull out on a hot day can be an exciting way of increasing your fluid intake, without even noticing that you’re doing it.

Mix water with a little bit of fruit juice and add in whole pieces of fruit like blueberries, limes and pieces of pineapple. Alternatively you can use a coconut water or even coconut milk base to get a creamier ice-cream like snack.

Image source: Cheer Chick Charlie

Got any more tips for how you like to spruce up your water? Add them below :)


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