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The Importance of Drinking Water

How much water do you drink each day? Is it 2 cups, 8 cups, 3L or none?

Water is important for every cellular process within the body. From digestion, to energy production, without water our body would not be functioning. From a cellular perspective our cells contain intracellular fluid, so providing enough fluid will enable the optimal functioning and health of our cells. If our cells are healthy then we are healthy.

Having enough fluid for the cells is also important for delivering nutrients, as well as cleaning out toxins.

So how much water should we be drinking?

According to Australian dietary guidelines mens should be drinking 10 cups a day (approx 2.6L) and women should be drinking 8 cups (approx 2.1L). If you are reaching these values then you are doing well as the majority of the population are not drinking enough.

If you can drink more than this then go for it, if you are able to fit 3L a day in then thats great. If you struggle with water intake reaching the minimum amount is fine.

If you are someone who struggles with water intake then look at other ways where you can incorporate water into your day.

Love juice? Then vamp up the veggies juice and that can contribute to your water tally. Love tea? herbal teas are a great way to boost your water intake (TIP: make up a big batch, cool it and sip on iced tea all day long).

If time is your issue, fill up a large 1.5L or 2L bottle and sip on that all day, only fill it up once and you can see exactly how much you have drank for the day.

Increasing water intake helps with energy production, healthy skin, optimal digestion, reduces bloating, aids weight loss, reduces inflammation, supports kidney function and helps to flush toxins.

My favourite thing about water is that its is CHEAP and EASY and EFFECTIVE in supporting health and wellbeing.

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