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Foods to make your skin GLOW!


You’ve heard this all before, but it is because it is so important. If you’re not getting enough goo fats in your diet then your skin is going to suffer.

Omega 3’s are vital for keeping your skin hydrated, prevents your skin from sunburn (yep you heard me!), keeps your sebum healthy, preventing it from blocking the pores of the skin, as well as being a general anti-inflammatory to the skin.

You will find omega 3’s in fish, nuts and seeds (in particular flaxseed and chia), avocado,


Making sure you are drinking enough is so important for skin health. Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your skin hydrated and supple, as well as being a natural cleanser. The more water you drink the easier your body is able to flush any toxins from your system. If you body is unable to flush these toxins away they will often be pushed out through the skin.


Antioxidants are so important for skin health in the present day, but in particular long term for their anti-angig effects.

Antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and zinc are also vital for skin healing, so if you suffer with skin conditions like eczema or acne these antioxidants will be doubly beneficial.

You will find antioxidants in abundance in fresh fruit and veggies. I must stress the fresh part, as when these foods are cooked they loose a large number of their antioxidants. Red capsicum has plenty of vitamin C, as do blueberries as well as many other antioxidants. Having a diet full of colour and fresh fruit and vegetables will ensure you are getting lots of these amazing nutrients.


People love doing a detox. But what I find more effective is doing a gentle cleanse on a regular basis through the foods we eat.

Including these foods will assist the body to clear any toxins gently, helping the appearance of skin.

Celery: blood cleanser

Beetroot: blood and liver cleanser

Broccoli: liver cleanser

Grapefruit: liver cleanser.

Lemon: anti-inflammatory


If you suffer from acne then this is the most important point for you. Cut the sugar and I mean everything! Refined sugar, high GI carbohydrates (I’m talking white bread, pasta, pastries etc) and excessive fruit.

Cutting the sugar is going to assist in reducing your acne by reducing any bacteria that may be present causing the blockage of the pore in the first place. Bacteria love feeding on sugar, so cut the sugar and starve that bacteria right on out of there!

When we have a diet which is high in sugar it can also contribute to something called hyperkeratosis, this is a contributing factor to scaring and increasing the likelihood of blockages.

Lets start the journey to clearer skin today! Good luck and let me know how you go!

Karah xx

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