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At Home Cold & Flu Elixir

You are coming home from work/school/uni. It is dark and rainy and the shops have closed. Your throat is feeling like razor glands, you’re sneezing and your glands are up. You cant afford to be sick but don't have any thing at home to ward this head cold off…

Never fear! I can almost guarantee you have the ingredients for this fabulous elixir already sitting in your pantry.


1 tbsp Apple cidre vinegar

1 tsp manuka or raw honey (if you don’t have raw then the generic stuff will still be slightly beneficial)

1 glove of garlic finely chopped

1/4 onion finely chopped

1 cup of Boiling water

juice of half a lemon

Optional extras:




Fennel seeds



Combine all ingredients and pour boiling water over the top.

Allow to steep for 10 minutes, then strain so you are just left with the liquid.

This is one serving so having this 3 times a day is the best way to kick that cold to the curb!

This combination of normal household ingredients all have excellent immune boosting properties as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The garlic,onion, ginger an fennel are also great for helping to break down mucous so if you are extremely clogged up then adding more of these will help to break down that congestion.

*You can add more honey if it is manuka or raw honey. These particular honeys have added antibacterial properties…plus tasting pretty yum :)

Karah is available for consultations in Ocean Grove, Geelong and Melbourne. You can keep up to date on everything health by liking her facebook page , following her on instagram @belyhealth , or visiting her website

Peninsula Family Medical Practice, Ocean Grove. Ph 03 52562001

Aura Health & Beauty, Geelong. Ph 03 52433966

A Peace of Health Clinic, Melbourne CBD. Ph 0396633665

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