Treat your body like you treat your phone. You wouldn't dare leave the house of a morning with your iPhone battery at only 30%, so why would you deprive your body of sleep and expect it to last the entire day.
Sleeping is your bodies chance to recharge and repair. It allows us to gather and store the energy for the next day. Sleeping, is the foundation to good health. If sleep is disrupted then I found everything else gets thrown out of whack.
Getting to bed before midnight is vey important and ideally getting 8 hours sleep each night is essential for maintaining our bodies natural rhythms. These rhythms influence our stress levels and hormone levels, if sleep is thrown to then we run the risk of other areas of our health suffering.
Sleep hygiene is something that I talk a lot about with clients and I will cover this at a later date but it can be very beneficial to make sure that you have a good environment to sleep in to allow your body to wake and feel energised in the morning.
Many studies have been done that show the difference between energy levels of sedentary people vs energy levels f active people. People who are more active always come to on top. When you exercise it increases your bodies endorphin levels which has a positive effect on your bodies nervous system, mood and energy supply.
Exercising everyday, even if it is just a walk, will help you get on your way to becoming more energised.
Seems simple enough. But this is one thing that people seem to struggle with the most. By cutting all of the crap from your diet you are lifting the toxic burden from your body. You will find that you are thinking clearer and that your body has more energy than ever before if you are eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean proteins and slow release carbohydrates, as well as drinking plenty of water.
Again this works similarly to eating better. You are reducing the burden being placed on your body by reducing your alcohol intake. This allows your body to channel its energy into something productive, rather than giving this energy to your liver to detox the alcohol. Reducing alcohol consumption also has a positive effect on your nervous system. Alcohol intake plays havoc with your neurotransmitters and this influences your moods, sleep and general demeanour, even days after drinking.
Coffee is great for that instant pick me up. But when we rely on it to heavily this is when it becomes an issue. Our adrenal glands are responsible for producing hormones which manage our stress levels, as well as manage our energy usage. When we are tired long term our adrenal glands also become tired, and start to not work as efficiently as we would like. Coffee actually stimulate these adrenals glands which gives up this burst of energy, but then it makes them even more tired. In order to regulate our energy levels (and by this I mean having lots of energy in the morning and tired at night..not the other way around which is quite common) we need to love our adrenal glands and limit or coffee intake so that they can recover and start to work properly again.
Karah is available for consultations in Ocean Grove, Geelong and Melbourne. You can keep up to date on everything health by liking her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/karahmnaturopath and following her on instagram @belyhealth
Peninsula Family Medical Practice, Ocean Grove. Ph 03 52562001
Aura Health & Beauty, Geelong. Ph 03 52433966
A Peace of Health Clinic, Melbourne CBD. Ph 0396633665