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9 months ago I left the country, left everything I knew to explore the world. I have now been back for an extended amount of time and there has been a lot of changes. New house, expanding my practice, new routines. One thing that I had struggled to put in place is a regular exercise program which I loved. I didn't re-join the gym when I got back to reality, instead I was going to “do its of classes like pump, yoga, Pilates “ , and I did, just not as often as I should of. And then I was going to exercise outside, bike riding, running, ocean swims, because after all it is summer and I have no excuses to not be outside enjoying this wonderful place I call home.

Needless to say I hit a slump. I hadn't cultivated the habit of movement everyday.

I was doubting myself in nearly every aspect of my life and I knew that not making the time to exercise everyday was a big reason for this.

Three weeks ago I got my act together. (Nearly) Everyday since I have made time to move, made time to sweat and it has changed my life already.

Since implementing this new habit I have been reaping the rewards, in my personal and professional life. I have more energy (surprise!) and I feel happier in where I am at right now, more comfortable. And to have this feeling back is unbelievable!

I am not a fitness expert, so I am not going to give you exercise tips and tricks. I will say this though, make your routine something that you love! Something that makes you feel great and that you are seeing results with. If you aren't seeing results or improvements then this will reduce your chances of continuing the habit.


I have been doing a combination of resistance training, walking and running. Setting small and achievable goals for myself and feeling amazing when I smash through them.

And it doesn't have to be hard, or long, especially when your just starting out. Even just cultivating the habit of wearing your exercise clothes. This alone is a step in the right direction. Because one day you will take the next step.

Exercise is amazing for mental health and general heath. It boosts mood, aids sleep, helps digestion and is a natural detoxifier.

So what is your excuse? If you have an excuse then thats fine, your probably not ready to make this change. If you don’t, then start today. Put your exercise gear on and start small, start gentle, it doesn't matter what you do, just start!

When I loose this habit of movement, and trust me, I will. I’m looking forward to coming back and reading this as a reminder of how little time it takes to feel amazing again and how it has benefited me in so many ways already.

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