Bloated? ‘Food baby’? Gassy? Whatever you want to call it, the majority of us have all experienced bloating to some extent. Bloating or distention refers to the sensation that is similar to having an inflated balloon inside your abdomen.
Many people think this phenomenon is normal, and it can be. But if you are experiencing this uncomfortable sensation more often than not then we need to have a chat.
There are many reasons why bloating may be occurring but there a few things that you can do to help yourself first.
Before food even enters our mouth our body is preparing to break it down and digest it. So why is this so important?
With our busy, fast paced lifestyle many of us don’t take the time to sit and thoroughly enjoy our food. The number of families who sit around the dinner table are in the minority, with many families opting for the company of television instead. While our consumption of food increases the interest in the food appears to be decreasing, with few people taking the time to look at the food, smell the food and properly taste and chew the food.
When we smell and take the time to enjoy our food the Vagus Nerve is stimulated and prompts the production of gastric acid secretions such as hydrochloric acid. When gastric acids are not in adequate supply then food is not able to be broken down properly, therefore bloating occurs.
Apart from reduced gastric acid secretions, not being ‘present’ when eating can also effect motility of the food through the digestive tract, contributing to bloating.
ACV is one of my go to tips for helping peoples digestion. Decant a small amount of ACV into a small spray bottle that you can keep on you and before you eat a meal spray one spray on your tongue. This will stimulate your gastric acids and facilitate motility of food through the digestive system, helping to reduce bloating. You can also use ACV as symptomatic relief against bloating.
Certain foods don’t agree with everyone, if you are experiencing bloating regularly it might be worthwhile to keep a diet diary and a symptom diary. If you keep track of all of the food that you eat and when you experience symptoms you might be able to track which food is the culprit. Regular offenders are wheat, gluten, yeast, dairy and eggs. But the food could be anything!
One of the reason why bloating happens is the that the movement of food through the digestive track becomes stagnant. When this happens the food ferments and causes gas a bloating. one easy way to help prevent this from happening is by exercising. Not many people think of exercise for digestive issues but its one of the biggest components to treatment! So get moving! whether it be running or walking, swimming or cycling..get the blood pumping and your digestive system working properly!
Give these simple suggestions a try and your bloating may improve, if symptoms are persisting consulting a practitioner is important so that the cause can be determined and then corrected.